Animal Attacks

Animal Attacks

What you need to know about Animal Attacks

Being attacked by a dog or other animal is very frightening. An attack can leave a victim severely traumatized and injured. When a child is the victim, the injuries can be fatal. These injuries can include disfigurement, torn ligaments, scarring and even death. In cases involving children, in addition to the physical injuries, there are frequently severe and substantial emotional injuries from the trauma of the event..

How to Act Before Calling an Animal Attacks Attorney

Get the address for the location where the dog bite occurred.

Get the name and address of the owner of the dog.

Get the dog owner’s insurance information.

Call law enforcement and animal services to make a report.

Take pictures of the scene and all injuries, even using your cell phone.

Get immediate medical attention for any and all injuries you sustained.

For a free telephone consultation and possible legal representation in your matter. Contact LA Injury Attorneys.