What you need to know about Theme Park Accidents
Amusement parks, county fairs, state fairs, local carnivals and similar places are sources of enjoyment for countless people. Unfortunately, when negligence is thrown into the mix, they can be the site of serious accidents resulting in personal injury or wrongful death. Sarajian Law Group is committed to holding owners and operators of these establishments responsible for accidents caused by their negligence.
Our Theme Park Accidents Attorney Fight Against Cases Such As:
Caused by negligence on the part of the guest. This can be refusal to follow specific ride safety instructions, or deliberate intent to break park rules.
The result of a guest’s known or unknown health issues.
Negligence on the part of the park, either by ride operator or maintenance.
Act of God or a generic accident (e.g. slipping and falling), that is not a direct result of an action on anybody’s part.