Sexual molestation and child abuse cases result in significant lifelong consequences impacting self-esteem, emotional development, sexual development and other psychological traits. The knowledge and experience possessed by your attorney is vital to hold those individuals and organizations who employ such sexual perpetrators accountable for such transgressions.
It takes a substantial amount of time to work through the complex mix of embarrassment, shame, anger, confusion and depression caused by the abuse which is oftentimes caused by the people children trust.In most cases, many survivors of child sex repress these traumatic episodes until years later.
Our firm handles the following types of child sexual abuse cases in California:
- Sexual abuse in school
- Sexual abuse in sports
- Boy scout sexual abuse
- Clergy sexual abuse
In California, the filing of a civil claim for sexual abuse must be made within eight years of the age of the majority (i.e. before the victim’s 26th birthday). Moreover, California is one of 28 states that have extended the statute of limitations based on the “discovery” of child sexual abuse or its effects.
Our lawyers understand that by filing a civil suit, the victim must relive the terrible tragedy thrust upon him or her through no fault of their own. That is why it is critical to choose a lawyer that can soothe and protect the privacy of the victim while vigorously advocating on the individual’s behalf to assure justice is served.