Why You Need An Attorney After A Vehicle Accident in Fresno, CA
After being involved in a car accident, you are sure to feel a certain level of concern when you think about the process of reaching a settlement with the insurance companies that are involved. Even when working with your own insurance company, it is wise to understand that they have an ulterior motive to keep their cost as low as possible when paying out for a claim. After all, insurance companies are businesses that are only profitable when they take in more insurance premiums than they pay out in claims. While the representatives might sound concerned and helpful, they need to keep the business profitable to remain employed.
As the discussions progress and you find that getting an actual payment from the insurance company is not as simple as they claimed it would be, your stress and worry are undoubtedly going to increase. That is bad for your finances, your mental health, and your ability to focus on healing and making a swift recovery from your injuries. The solution to all of these added challenges you might not have expected after a vehicle collision is hiring the expert legal team at LA Injury Attorneys to handle the matter for you. After a simple and stress-free meeting to share the details of the case with your legal team, you can forget about the negotiations and rest easy knowing you have experts looking out for you and your best interests.
The Only Ones Who Are Focused On You And Your Best Interest
While your insurance agent and other representatives from your insurance company, and possibly those from the other driver’s insurance company, try to appear concerned for your best interest, it is all an act. They ultimately work for the insurance company, and that, along with their desire to remain employed, focuses their motivation on paying you as little as possible to settle the claim.
In contrast, when you hire an LA Injury Attorney, they are legally obligated to work for no other purpose than to protect you and your best interest. They are the only professionals who can ever make that claim and will live up to the responsibility it carries. Your attorney will not sacrifice what is best for you to save a few dollars or close the claim a few days sooner than expected. They will work diligently until your needs are met.
The Added Experience And Expertise Pays Off
The staff at LA Injury Attorneys brings decades of combined experience in handling negotiations and settlements to each client they assist. In addition, they are intimately familiar with the cost of medical care, vehicle repairs, and other expenses you face after being involved in a vehicle accident. No one will sway their judgment or intimidate them into agreeing to accept less than what their clients are owed for the damages and harm they suffered. In fact, a recent study by the Insurance Research Council determined that claims negotiated by a legal professional result in up to 3.5 times more compensation for the client than those settled without legal representation.